June Birthstone(s). Which one would you choose?

2024 Dec 29th

June Birthstone(s). Which one would you choose?

June is a unique month within the world of birthstones, offering three enchanting options: Alexandrite, Pearl, and Moonstone. Each carries its own distinct beauty and rich history, providing diverse and captivating options. 

Alexandrite. Rare. Magical. Wonderous.

Alexandrite Ring

Alexandrite was first discovered during the 1830s in Russia’s Ural Mountains. It was named after Czar Alexander II and quickly gained popularity for its stunning color-changing properties. When viewed in natural or fluorescent lighting, Alexandrite appears in a lovely green color; however, it appears reddish purple when viewed in incandescent light. Although newly mined Alexandrite comes primarily from Brazil, Sri Lanka, and East Africa, the finest quality stones with the most beautiful color display come from 19th century Russia.

Beyond its physical allure, Alexandrite carries a rich lore and symbolism. Often associated with duality and balance due to its dramatic color changes, Alexandrite is believed to enhance intuition and creativity, bringing harmony between the physical and spiritual worlds. In the metaphysical sense, it is thought to promote emotional resilience and self-confidence, making it a powerful talisman for transformation and growth.

Pearl. Lustrous. Organic. Classic.

Black AkoyaPearls are rich in symbolism and lore, embodying the mystery and life-giving nature of water. Many cultures linked Pearls to the moon, attributing mystical qualities to them. In ancient China, Pearls were believed to offer protection from fire and dragons, while in Europe, they symbolized modesty, chastity, and purity. Their timeless beauty made Pearls a wedding staple, often given to brides as symbols of purity and innocence. Pearls were also thought to have healing properties, with ancient traditions claiming they could bestow long life, lasting prosperity, and alleviate various ailments. These beliefs have cemented Pearls as treasures steeped in meaning and reverence.


Moonstone. Majestic. Illuminated. Tranquil.

Moonstone ring

Known for its adularescence — a captivating light effect that appears to glide across the stone — Moonstone has been cherished for its unique glow. The finest Moonstone exhibits a blue sheen against a colorless background. Throughout history, Moonstone has been featured in the works of great designers from the Art Nouveau era and saw renewed popularity during the 1960s “flower child” movement and the New Age designs of the 1990s.

Many cultures have associated this gemstone with moonlight, attributing its adularescence to the mystical glow of the moon. In Hindu mythology, it is believed to be made of solidified moonbeams, and it is often linked with love, passion, fertility, and good fortune. Legends suggest that holding a Moonstone in one’s mouth during a full moon can reveal the future.

How to Care for June Birthstones


Alexandrite is a member of the chrysoberyl species of minerals. As such, it ranks at an 8.5 on the Mohs hardness scale and possesses a toughness rating of excellent. With these considerations in mind as well as the fact that it is generally stable around heat and chemicals, Alexandrite is an ideal gemstone for daily wear. When cleaning, it is also usually safe with ultrasonic and steam cleaners.


Unlike most other gemstones, Pearl does not belong to a mineral species because it is a biogenic product produced by many species of mollusks. As a result, Pearls generally lack the durability that most gem-quality stones used in jewelry exhibit. Pearl ranks at a 2.5–4 on the Mohs hardness scale and has a toughness rating of fair to good. It should avoid exposure to heat, chemicals, and intense lighting, and should never be used with ultrasonic or steam cleaners.

While Pearls are not generally as durable as other gemstones, they are still highly prized and can withstand enough wear to be handed down throughout generations.


Moonstone has certain care considerations that should be kept in mind. It has a Mohs hardness rating of 6–6.5 and a toughness rating of poor. It is stable with light, however, it should avoid exposure to heat and chemicals. Never use Moonstone with an ultrasonic or steam cleaner. If taken care of properly, no one should be concerned about the safety of their Moonstone.

Source: Taylor Dizor, Stuller Staff Writer.